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Just Another Week

Writer's picture: Aurelia DungeyAurelia Dungey

After a little bit of a crazy weekend I was not ready to go to school again, but at least I got to sleep in the usual 15 minutes to go to work with Robert. After my Czech lesson I went to school for a little while. Our last class was canceled, so school was over at lunch which was perfect for me since I had forgotten to order lunch. I slowly made my way to the city center and got myself a salad and a smoothie while I worked on my journal.

When I finished my lunch I met up with Ana who needed to get some pictures taken for her transportation card. Once we had gotten her pictures we went to a cafe to wait for her mom to get to the city. Then we finally met her mom and I got to meet her host brother who had just gotten home from Mexico. We all went to get Ana’s card before they left, and it was just Ana and I again.

We went to meet Gigi and Sasha before we all walked to their Rotary meeting. I’m not in their club, so I said goodbye at the door and got a snack while I called Audrey. I had some time until my train home came, so I sat in the city and bought train tickets over the phone with Audrey for our upcoming trips. Then finally my train home came and I went home for dinner. After dinner I called Gigi for awhile before we went to bed.

After school on Tuesday I had a little bit of time before our group Czech lesson started. I ran to catch a tram to go meet Gigi as she got out of school. We made a quick trip to the store to grab some snacks for everyone since we would be having a double hour lesson. Our teacher ended up being half an hour late, so Gigi and I hadn’t needed to do so much running after all. Once our teacher finally got to school we began immediately. One hour is usually just enough for all of us to concentrate on Czech, so the double hour was a bit difficult to sit through. We ended up taking a little snack break in the middle so that we could continue. Towards the end of the lesson Ana and I were really stating to get tired of class, so we started our own little conversation, but in Czech of course!

After our lesson was finally over, we all went shopping together and got some pizza. Once we had eaten, I had to go and catch my train home. As I sat on the train home I read my book on my phone and listened to some music. When we finally got to my stop I got off, and realized that my brother and I had been on the same train, and we hadn’t seen each other. So we walked home together from the train.

As we waited for our parents to get home from work, I worked on my blog for a little bit. Then we all had dinner together and talked about our upcoming schedules.

Wednesday morning school stated at 7:00 again, so I woke up extra early. In school I texted with Audrey a bit about my upcoming trip to visit her. I also began to work on my mother’s day present for my mom in the US.

After school I realized just how soon my trip to Prostějov was, and I really needed to buy a dress to wear to the Rotary ball. I went to just about every single thrift store that I knew to try and find a dress to wear. I didn’t end up finding anything that I thought would work, so I went to H&M and bought myself a jumpsuit.

After all of my shopping I got a couple of snacks to eat on the train home. Once I got off at my stop I made my usual 20 minute walk home to work on my computer a bit. After dinner my host uncle came over for a visit, so I talked to him for awhile before finally making my way to bed.

After school on Thursday, Shri decided to come with me to watch me get new nails. We talked for an hour while I got my new nails, and then went to get ice cream before my train home.

When I got home I changed and went on a 30 minute jog and found a nice quite place to relax and watch the sunset. When I got home I took a quick shower before dinner.

Friday morning I got up and went to my Czech lesson before school like usual. At lunch at school I ran into Filip (Rotex) and we talked about what we were doing after school. When I told him that I would be going to the theater with my family, he told me to keep an eye out for Gigi because she was supposed to be going too.

After school I went to the city center with Shri before she took me to her house. I finally got to meet my next host family! Her host mom insisted on making a late lunch for us before I went to meet my family. I thanked her for the food, and made a plan with her before making my way to the city center to meet my family. I met them at a nice restaurant for dinner before we went to the theater.

Just as Filip had said, I ran into Gigi just minutes after walking into the building. We talked for awhile and then went to find our seats. And of course we happened to have seats that were just a couple of chairs away from each other. I was completely exhausted, so I did my best to understand. Once the show was over, Gigi and I talked about what we had understood from the performance and we had both understood just a little bit unfortunately.

Once we had finished talking I walked to the car with my dad and he drove me to Shri’s house. I called her host mom and she buzzed me into the apartment. As soon as I had climbed up all of the stairs to their flat, I said goodnight and went to Shri’s room to go to bed since we had a very early morning the next day.



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