Monday morning I slept in a few minutes before going to the city with Robert for breakfast as usual. I went to my Czech lesson as usual before making my way to school. During school I worked on picking out all of the classes that I need to take next year when I’m back in the US to make up for this year.
After school I met up with Ana, and we went to her house to hang out and get ready before we went to her Rotary meeting. I was missing going to meetings a little bit, and I wanted to exchange club banners with the other Brno club, so I went to one of their meetings.
It was Hannah’s (Australia) 18th birthday, so we decided to go out to ice cream after the meeting to celebrate. I looked at the trains and didn’t see a way for me to have ice cream and make it home before midnight. So I called my host dad, and Ana called her host mom, and we asked if I could sleep at Ana’s and then we would go to school like normal the next day. They said yes, so we went off to get our ice cream.
After our little birthday party, Ana and I got on the tram to her house. When we got home, her mom had just finished making a soup, so we both ate a little bit while we talked to her. Then we got ready for bed and went to sleep.
When Ana and I woke up, we had breakfast with her siblings and I thanked her parents for hosting me yet again before we went off to school. Ana’s dad drove us halfway to our schools, so then we only had to ride the tram a few stops.
After school Ana and I met up again, and I went to buy myself a new tram card. Then we made our way to meet Gigi to buy some snacks to get us through another Czech lesson. Our lesson was crazy as usual, but we managed to get a couple of things done.
When the lesson was finally over I made my way home to work on the computer a bit until my parents got home. Once they got home we ate dinner together and then worked on filling in the family calendar.
In the evening I called my mom and we talked about the possibility of her coming to visit me at the end of my exchange.
Wednesday morning I woke up early for our usual early start. Durning school I worked on making a presentation about Oregon in Czech for my geography class. After school I rushed home to start my packing to move families because I knew I had way too much stuff. I packed one of my bags, and finished my presentation before Robert called me on his way home.
When he got home we worked together to prepare caprese salad for dinner before Zora got home. After dinner we sat around and chatted a bit before I went to my room to call Audrey before bed.
Thursday morning in school I gave my presentation about Oregon. Everyone seemed a bit surprised by the geography of Oregon. They asked a few questions at the end, and congratulated me on my Czech labeled slideshow.
Thursdays in school are gym day, so this week we ran stairs, played volleyball (which I’m still terrible at), and played badminton (somehow I’m decent at). After school I showed Shri how to get to my house, since she would be living there in just a few days.
We took the train home and walked the extra bit from the train station, since you can always get home that way, and the buses don’t go as often. She didn’t enjoy the walk too much, but once we got to the house we had some tea and a snack. We hung out for a little bit before gathering our things and walking back to the train station to go back to Brno.
I went with her and took her to her tram stop to make sure that she got home alright, then I ran back to jump on the same train home. The lady who was checking tickets kind of laughed at me since that was the third time that she had seen me that afternoon on the same train.
When I finally made it back home it was already time for dinner, so I set down my things and ate with the family. We continued to work out our plans for my last few days, and the switching day.
Friday morning was the last morning that I would have to wake up super early for school! I got up and went to the city one last time with Zora and Ruda before making my way to my Czech lesson.
After school I met up with Ana to do a little bit of shopping before we went to her house. Her older host sister’s baby was at the house, and Ana’s mom needed some help taking care of her in the afternoon. We were of course happy to help, so we made our way to her house. We took turns playing with baby Emily.