On Saturday we got to sleep in until around 9:30, when we woke up for our usual family weekend breakfast. After breakfast we made a check list with all of the chores around the house and garden that needed to get done. Then we split them up and assigned different tasks to each of us. I started with picking walnuts with Zora. When we were done, she and I moved on to emptying the flower boxes and spreading the dirt around the garden. They guys worked on painting wood and working on a wall outside.
For lunch we had sausage and potatoes which seemed pretty normal. But they told me that the sausage was a bit different that what we normally eat, and it was okay if I din't like it. They told me that if I wanted to know what was in the sausage, I could ask when the meal was over... I enjoyed the meal and I had a feeling I didn't want to know what was in it, so I decided not to ask.
After lunch we have rest time. This is where we all spread out across the house and kind of do our own thing for a couple hours before going back out to work. I hung out for a little bit, but then I remembered that there was another kubb tournament going on. So I decided to spend the rest of my rest time hanging out with people from the village up there. I went and watched everyone play for about an hour before I had to go back home and help finish chores. When I got home, we picked a bunch of apples and made more apple juice than I have ever made. Then we came back inside and had a little dinner, took showers, and went to bed.
Sunday, we woke up and had another family breakfast. Then we got a little bit dressed up, and got ready to go to Brno for the day. We were going to Zora's mom's house to celebrate her mom's birthday. I got to meet Zora's sister, Jana, and her three kids. When we first arrived, we gave her mom our presents and wished her happy birthday. Then we split our group in half and took the tram and a car to a restaurant for lunch. For lunch we went to a Mexican restaurant called Rubín. After lunch we went back to the house for wine, two cakes, and more snacks. We all hung out and talked and ate for awhile before Jana and her kids had to leave. After they left, Ruda and I both took naps in the other room. We woke up to a skype call to Jerry, my older host brother who is in the US this year. After calling him, we went home and got ready for another week of work and school.
Your photos are beautiful! You always manage to pick just the right one for each post. This cake looks divine! Nom Nom!