The day after we got back from Austria (Wednesday) we slept in until 8:30 or 9 before having breakfast. After eating we started laundry, and cleaning up from the trip. We all took the day off of school and work to get our lives back together. After I completed my list of things to do around the house to help out, I went to my room to rest. I worked on a blog post for awhile, but mostly just talked to some friends.
Later in the afternoon we had some lunch, and then we continued to have our relaxed day. In the evening we had dinner and then I started to try to pack for the next Rotary meeting that Friday. I went to bed pretty early because I was still exhausted from our ski trip.
The next day (Thursday) I went back to school for my last full day of school before the meeting. In our PE class we had to run up and down our five flights of stairs twice. That was very difficult of course because I was still sore from snowboarding. After our stairs though, we got to play ping pong before being released early.
I got on the next train home so that I would have time to get ready for the ball that evening. When I got home I took a quick shower and then started on my hair. When my mom got home, she helped me get into my dress and lace up the back. We didn’t have much time so I ended up running out the door as soon as the dress was tied.
On our way to the city we picked up my dancing partner Matěj since he lives in the next village over. When we first got there I didn’t know anyone except who I had come with. Finally my friends from school got there, so we walked around and took pictures together. After awhile, we went to dance for a few songs so that we weren’t just sitting around the whole time. I even learned a new dance, as well as dancing to Mama Mia with all of my friends. Finally around 11:30 we went home.
My feet hurt super bad of course, so I was kind of happy to go, but I was a bit sad to be missing the afterparty with my friends. The afterparty is basically more disco music instead of the traditional dances. When I got home I took a shower after finally getting out of the heels and dress. I went to bed around 2:30am.
The next morning I somehow managed to get up at 6:15 like usual and go to my Czech lesson. After my lesson I went to school just for a couple of hours. I had forgotten to order a lunch at school, so I met Gigi for a snack before we met all of the Brno kids to go to our Rotary meeting together. I finally got to meet our new Australian student Hannah!