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Back to School and more Birthday Celebrations

Writer's picture: Aurelia DungeyAurelia Dungey

I was completely exhausted from being gone for nine days, and skiing for six, so I slept in. I finally got up around 9:30 for breakfast with my mom and brother. We all wanted a lazy day at home, so I unpacked and tried to reorganize my room. My mom worked on some of my laundry and I cleaned my room and tried to update my calendars. In the afternoon we had lunch together before going back to our lazy day. My dad got home later in the evening from his ski touring trip. After having dinner together I took a shower and then braided my hair while I called my mom for our late birthday call. While I was on the phone with her I finally got to open my birthday package from her. Once we had said goodbye I opened my package from my dad too.

Monday morning was a bit of a slow start, trying to get up and ready to go back to school after ten days off. Luckily I got to get up a little bit later to go to work with my dad for breakfast before my Czech lesson. I had been speaking English for a long time, and you could really tell how much progress I lost with my Czech. I was happily surprised when I got back on track at my lesson pretty quickly. After my lesson I had awhile before I needed to be to school.

I was excited to go to school because I knew that my friends had been planning something for my birthday. My best friend had told me that I needed to bring yogurt for snack that day which I thought was kind of funny, but I did it anyways. Once we were at school, on our long break between classes the told me that we were going downstairs for snack. I got my yogurt and we went to the locker room where all of my friends were already. As I walked into the room they all started singing. They had made a cake with a Czech flag on it made out of fruit! Once they were done singing we cut the cake and poured some Austrian apple soda. Once we had finished our little party we went back to class and they had a present for me. They had made a T-shirt with a girl holding a Czech flag on the front, and on the back it said “I survived a year in the Czech Republic” and they got the whole class to sign it. We finished the cake in art class before we went home.

When I got home I worked on my blog a little bit and listened to some music until everyone got home in the evening. We had dinner together, and then I decided to go to bed early again since I was still recovering from skiing.

The next morning I woke up and went to school at my usual time. I met up with Filip, one of the Rotex that goes to my school. He had told me that he could help me get my student card. My last class of school was canceled, so I left and went to Gigi’s school. When she got out of school we got some pizza and then went to a store to get her a picture frame on our way back to school for Czech. Our lesson started 25 minutes late, so we finished late too. I had to wait awhile for my next train home after our lesson, so I called Audrey. She and I ended up talking until I got home.

Once I got home I worked on the computer and talked to some friends until my mom got home. She told me that I needed to go to Dana’s house to get my costume for the festival that weekend, so I got my shoes and walked down the street. When I got to Dana’s she had the costume ready, so I grabbed it, and said thank you before walking home again. When I got home we had dinner together. After dinner I finally got to FaceTime my friend Ben from work and talk for a few hours!

Wednesday school started at 7am again, so I got up at 5:30 and got ready for school. When I got to school Filip went with me again to finish the ISIC card process. It was another long day of school, and of course I was tired from waking up early. I was pleasantly surprised by how sunny and warm it was outside when school got out.

On my way home I decided to take the bus that didn’t get me al the way home instead of waiting for the next bus. It was really nice out so I was happy to walk the 5km home in the sun since I didn’t have much to do anyways. I ended up getting home around the same time as the bus that I would have taken to get home.

When I finally got home I tried to catch up my journal and blog a little bit before dinner. After dinner I FaceTimed Audrey to try to figure out the trip that we wanted to go on to Košice. As I talked to my family about the trip too, we finally decided that Shri and I would be switching houses on the 10th of March.

When school got out the next day I happened to run into Filip outside of school, so we talked for awhile before he went home. Then I went to an art store and looked around for awhile before my train home.

When I got home I worked on trying to fill in the form for going to visit Audrey for a Rotary ball. When my parents got home we had dinner and then we went down to the club. I ended up going home early again to finish the form. I texted Filip to help me make sure that my travel request form description was correct Czech. After I sent it I called Maggie and then Audrey before bed.

Friday was my six month mark here!! I woke up and had to rush to get ready in the morning to make it to the city with my mom. Then I had some time before my Czech lesson so I slowly made my way there, stopping at a cafe along the way.

After my Czech lesson I went to school and made plans to go get coffee with Filip later that evening. He wasn’t free until 7:30, so I had about five hours after school. All of the other Brno kids where switching houses that day, but Ana told me that I was still welcome to come over until they moved. I helped her pack and clean her room. Then we had some snacks and waited until she had to leave. When she left I left and went to a cafe to work on my journal for awhile until Filip was free. We ended up just going to another cafe when we finally met up for a couple of hours before I took the train home. I took the last train home and got home around midnight, so I said goodnight to my family and we all went to bed.



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