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First Week Back to School in the New Year!

Writer's picture: Aurelia DungeyAurelia Dungey

Silly Socks

Thursday, I woke up early and went to school for the first day back. In school I had PE which was a bit of a rough first day back after the holidays. We just played badminton though, so it ended up being pretty relaxed.

After school I made my way to the nail salon to get my nails redone. After getting them done I went to meet Sasha. We hung out for a few hours and got some food. After spending a couple of hours together I decided to take the train home. When I got to the stop where I get on the bus my dad called me and said that he could pick me up so that I didn’t have to take the bus home.

When I got home I took a shower and did some yoga. I hadn’t done yoga in a really long time, so it was really difficult. Even though it was difficult for me, it felt good to be moving again and to be able to stretch and relax a bit.

After some dinner and a bit of cleaning up, I made my way to bed to prepare for another day of school before the weekend.

Friday I woke up a little extra early so that I could do some more yoga. I wanted to start my day off feeling a bit more relaxed and awake. After doing my yoga, I got ready for school and went to Robert’s office with him for breakfast. After breakfast I made my way to school.

At school I learned about the possibility of going on a trip to Ireland with the school in April. I really wanted to go and I made sure I got all of the information so that I could ask if I could go.

After school I went to a cafe to have coffee with Ana and talk about the holidays. I didn’t hang out with her for a long time because I wanted to make sure that I could make it to the post office to get my Christmas present from my mom.

I got on the buses home and stopped at the post office. I think I thoroughly confused them with my Oregon license, but they figured it out eventually and gave me the package. Then I got on the next bus home. My parents were getting home later, so I had dinner on my own. After eating I decided to open my present from my mom. She sent all sorts of little things that I love from the US along with some crazy socks for everyone in the family here!

Later I did some more yoga before calling my dad and Lara (step mom) who I hadn’t talked to on the phone for a couple of months. After chatting until 1 in the morning I went to bed and prepared for a lazy weekend.

Saturday I woke up around 9 and did some yoga before having breakfast with everyone. Then we all prepared ourselves for a nice long lazy weekend. I set up camp on the couch again and stayed there pretty much the entire day. I started with working on my blog for awhile but switched to watching some Netflix and talking to some friends.

For lunch we had a noodle casserole that my mom had made in the morning. After lunch I headed back to the couch to continue my rest day. Usually I like to be doing things all the time to make sure I’m not wasting a single day here, but I was happy to have a rest day for once. In the afternoon I did some more yoga, and watched a little more Netflix before having dinner. Then I went to bed.

Sunday we had another lazy day. I woke up sometime after 10 and had some breakfast. Then I moved myself to the couch again for a day of relaxing and drinking tea. We had some soup for lunch later in the afternoon.

After lunch I moved back into my room so that I could call Juliana and discuss plans to meet up in February. After talking to her I did some yoga again and then continued to work on the computer.

Robert came home from a trip in the evening so we had leftover noodles for dinner. Then I prepared to go back to school while they called their son Jerry in the evening.



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