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Just Another Week of School

Writer's picture: Aurelia DungeyAurelia Dungey

New dress for a new ball

Monday morning I accidentally over slept a little and had to rush to get ready to make sure to not make Robert late. It was super icy in the villages so on our way to the city we came upon an accident where there were a bunch of cars backed up. We sat and waited awhile… well I actually fell back asleep, but Robert waited. Then when we finally got to the city, I didn’t have time to go to work with Robert for our usual breakfast, so I got out of the car and ran to the bus. I made it to my Czech lesson only a couple of minutes late, but I still managed to finish my first Czech workbook!

After my lesson I went for a normal day of school. When school was out I went to meet up with Ana for awhile and we went to a cafe. By the time that my dad called me to go and meet him, there was a full on crazy snow storm going on outside. Ana and I paid our bill, and I bundled up to make my way through the storm to meet my dad. Everyone was immediately covered in snow the second they walked outside. By the time I got to the mall to meet my dad I was completely soaked and the bottoms of my shoes were covered in icy snow. So as I walked down the ramp to find my dad, I was slipping the whole way.

When I found my dad, we went to find the car and we drove to the other mall to meet my mom and brother to go to the movies together. We had some time to kill before the movie so we went shopping around the mall for a little bit and found some new pans for our kitchen.

Eventually we made our way to the cinema and found the perfect seats to watch the movie together. We went to watch Bohemian Rhapsody which had been a gift to Zora for Christmas.

When the movie was over we went back to the cars and slowly made our way back home on the still somewhat icy roads. When I got home I took a quick shower and finally headed to bed around midnight.

Tuesday we woke up and had some of the leftover cake from the weekend for breakfast before heading to school. At school I had another normal day, but I finished a little early so I went with Gigi to get some coffee before we had to be back for our Czech lesson.

This week’s Czech lesson was probably one of our best yet. We stayed a lot more focused than we have been, and we covered a lot of material.

After our lesson we decided not to hang out, so I just took the train home. When I got home I worked on the computer for awhile until my dad came home. Then we had some more leftover svičková for dinner. We discussed my possible trip to Ireland with school some more after we were done with dinner. Then we all went to bed somewhat early because we were exhausted.

Wednesday morning we ended up going to school at our usual time instead of at 7 which was a nice change of pace. At school we had a meeting about the trip to Ireland where I got to pick who I would be staying with on the trip. Of course all of my friends from my class immediately asked me to join their room which I happily did. I was grateful that the teacher who is organizing the trip has quite good English and was able to explain the meeting in short to me afterwards to make sure that I didn’t miss any of the important information.

After school I went to a cafe to work on my blog for awhile while I waited for my mom to finish work. When she was done with work I went to meet her, and we took a tram to go try on some more dresses for my last ball with my dancing class. I am absolutely terrible at making decisions, so when the lady working in the dress shop told me I could try on as many dresses as I wanted I only picked a couple so that my decision would be easier. I tried on the first dress and liked it, so I decided to just go with it and not make my decision any harder than it needed to be. I got a nice dark blue dress that just so happened to match my new nails.

After our dress shopping adventure was over we headed back to my mom’s office quickly so that we could stop at the post office on our way home to pick up another package. When we got home Zora made me some dinner and then I went to my room to finish my blog post. When I was finally done I had a group call with Gigi and Juliana before I finally went to bed.

Thursday morning we all woke up and drove to the city like normal. On my walk to school from where my mom drops us off I got to see amazing pink fluffy clouds everywhere in the sky.

In school I finally managed to start giving my holiday presentation. In my English class my teacher wanted me to give a presentation about some of the holiday traditions in the US and to talk about Thanksgiving. It kept not working out to do my presentation anytime before the holidays were over, but better late than never I guess.

School got our a little early again, so I went and bought myself another pair of ski socks for my upcoming ski trip and then took the train home. When I got home I tried to work on my blog a little bit, but I mostly hung out and drank some tea.

When my parents got home we had some dinner before heading down to the club. I hadn’t been to the club for awhile, so it was good to see everyone again. We all discussed the village “carnival” that was coming up. When we were done at the club we made our way home and I went to bed almost immediately.

Friday morning I woke up and went to my Czech lesson to do my final test from the first book. I did pretty well and I was happy to be moving on to the next book! After my lesson I headed to school.

After school Shri and I went to a cafe and Gigi came to meet us after a little while. We spent some time together just talking over coffee and tea before we all went our separate ways.

When I got home I slowly started working on packing for our upcoming ski trip to Austria the next day. I also attempted to clean my room at least a little bit. When I had just about finished packing I finally got around to replying to some emails while I waited for my parents to come home for dinner. After dinner I did my finishing touches on packing and went to bed.



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