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Snow, and Getting Caught Up on Life

Writer's picture: Aurelia DungeyAurelia Dungey

Spot the difference ;) <3

Monday morning after our winter Rotary meeting, I got up at my usual time to go to school. To my surprise when I looked out the window there was so much snow! I immediately wondered if we would be going to school, so I got out of bed to see what was going on. Of course, here everyone is used to the snow, so yes… we were going to be going to school. I had my Czech lesson later in the morning, so I went with Robert, hoping for our usual breakfast. We left a little earlier than normal because of the snow. On our way to school there had been a big truck that had slid off the road so there was a lot of backed up traffic. I was exhausted so I fell asleep and woke up an hour and 45 minutes later when Robert woke me up. I jumped out of the car to catch the next bus to my Czech lesson because I was already late. I was sad to miss breakfast, but I was so happy about the snow.

We had a short day of school, so when we were done I went to get my nails redone. Then there wasn’t much else I wanted to do in the city so I went home. I had made some new friends on social media through foreign exchange pages on Facebook. When I got home I decided to FaceTime one of them so that we could talk more. First I Facetimed a guy from Australia who went to Germany last year. He had warned me that his accent was going to be really strong and that some Aussies can’t even understand him, but I was still surprised when I barely understood anything. We talked for about an hour before he had to go to bed. Then I decided to FaceTime a guy from Finland too who I had been talking to a lot. We ended up clicking really quickly and we talked for four hours before my parents got home and I had to go to dinner. We agreed to talk a lot more, and that we were best friends without even meeting each other in person ever.

Before dinner Ruda and I worked on shoveling the driveway for awhile so that we could get out of the house faster the next morning. I was still tired from my weekend, and shoveling, so I went to bed right after dinner.

After school on Tuesdays we normally have a Czech lesson, but our teacher had to cancel it and move it to a day later. Since all of us usually make our whole Tuesday afternoons free, we all decided to go out. We all went to have some coffee and a snack first. Then Ana ended up having to go home, but Gigi had invited on of her good friends from school. For Christmas Gigi had gotten tickets to go see a Titanic exhibition in Brno, and there were the perfect number of tickets for us to go. So after we finished our coffees, snacks, and saying goodbye to Ana, we all got on the tram to the exhibition center.

We spent three hours looking through the Titanic exhibition. It was really cool to learn a lot more of the history and see so much stuff from it. All of the signs were in Czech and English so we could practice our reading comprehension, but also understand what we were trying to read in Czech. At the end of the exhibition we got pins for our blazers.

When we were finally done, it was time for Shri and Hannah to go home for dinner. Gigi, Eližka, and I went out for kebab before my train came. Since we had spent so much time at the exhibition I missed some trains home and had to wait until one of the late trains came. I got home around 10pm. When I got home I talked to my parents a little bit, and then called Maggie who I would be going to visit soon.

I was regretting getting home so late because Wednesday morning I have to leave by 6:15 to get to school on time. Luckily school got out at 12:45, so I wasn’t there too long. After school I ran to catch a tram to meet Gigi at her school. Then we slowly made our way back to my school where we would have our first Czech lesson with Hannah. After our lesson, I said goodbye to everyone and ran to catch a train home so that I could make it to the post office before it closed. I ended up taking the wrong bus to the post office, so I walked a little bit to start over. When I got to the post office and they gave me my package, I was expecting to have a package from my dad, but I was pleasantly surprised to see Debbie’s name on it. Debbie is one of the Rotarians from my club in Eugene, and she is very involved with the youth part of Rotary.

When I got home I took a quick shower and then sat down to see what my Rotary club had sent me. They sent me a cute new hat, some Oregon Ducks socks, some of my favorite candies, and some gum because it’s totally different here. My favorite part of the gift though, was all of the 30 or so, individual notes from everyone in the club. It brought tears to my eyes to read all of the notes from everyone who had been such a big support to get me here. They were all so sweet, and I can’t wait to share all of my experiences with them when I get home.

After I had pulled myself together from reading the notes, I called Maggie, Gigi, and Audrey all together because we missed each other. Then we had dinner and I discussed traveling to visit more friends alone. I quickly submitted another travel request form before going to bed and hoped that it would get approved.

This was day 161 which marked halfway through my exchange!

The next day at school was grading day so we only had a half day of school. After school I took Shri to an ATM and then I made my way home to get ready for my trip the next day. I called Maggie all the way home. Then when I got home I did four loads of laundry to get caught up and so that I had clothes for the weekend. I waited until my brother got home and we made a fire in the fireplace while we waited for everyone else to get home. We had some dinner, and made plans for the next day and how I would be getting to and from my trip. Then I went to bed after some packing.



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