Monday, I woke up at 6:30 and rushed around the house to get ready even though I was leaving later than I normally do. I went with Robert to take his mom to the train station in Brno before he dropped me off near my Czech lesson. I had about 45 minutes before my lesson started, so I went to a nearby cafe and got a tea and hung out. I can feel my Czech getting better, and I am becoming more and more confident in my answers and speaking in general.
After my lesson I went to school to meet Shri and finish the school day. I got out of school an hour early, and Ana didn't have school again so we decided to go shopping. We went to the smaller mall in the middle of Brno to try and find me some nice clothes for my next Rotary meeting. We shopped for a couple of hours, but didn't end up finding exactly what I was lookin for.
After shopping I went to Zora's office to get ready for my last dancing lesson before our white ball. At the dance class, most of our time was dedicated to learning how to do our entry walk and dances. It was actually a bit complicated, but it was really cool! I was starting to feel really nervous for the ball when we went over a couple of dances. I kept making little mistakes and I was trying really hard not to get frustrated. In the end I just kept telling myself nothing bad will happen if I mess up, and surely someone else will too.
Zora picked up Matěj and I and we took him home like usual. When we got home we had a little dinner and then we went to the club for awhile since it hadn't been open for a week or so.
Tuesday I went to school like normal. I get out of school at 1:40 on Tuesdays which is really nice, but most other kids don't so I usually wait an hour for Ana to be done before we go do something.
This Tuesday we were still looking for a Rotary outfit for me so that I didn't have to wear a dress. So we made our way to the big shopping mall where I was sure I was going to find what I wanted. We shopped for maybe three or four hours and I ended up finding the perfect pair of pants and three shirts that were on sale. I also saw a Tommy Hilfiger sweatshirt that was half off and I knew I had to have it.
After shopping for hours we were hungry so we went to the grocery store to buy some food for "dinner". It wasn't exactly dinner type foods, or maybe the best choice we could have made, but we were happy and that's all that mattered. After eating our dinner I decided it was probably time for me to head home.
Once I had arrived home I knew I had some time before everyone else was home. So I decided that I would try putting my hair in the tiny braids again now that I had the hair-ties to make it work better. When Zora got home, she was eager to help me do the braids since I have so much hair. When we finished my host parents laughed and called me medusa because of all the braids.
Wednesday morning I had school at 7am which means we have to leave shortly after 6am to make it to school on time. These days are everyone's least favorite days. I set my alarm for 5:45, and I guess when it went off I noticed nobody was awake and I never fully woke up. At around 6:10 I woke up to Zora in my doorway telling me we had overslept. I ended up missing the first lesson since we left when we are supposed to leave on days that I start at 8. After school I was tired from the crazy morning and I decided I didn't really feel like spending the afternoon in the city. So I took an early bus home.
I hadn't been feeling great, and I needed some time out of the house to think about life. So when I got home I changed into some athletic clothes and decided to go out. I walked and jogged from our house to the train stop which is about 1.5 miles (2.5km) away. On my way there, there was a beautiful sunset. I also walked through the forest a little bit on a trail while it was still light. By the time I made it to the train stop it was only 4:30, but it was starting to get dark out. I realized that I hadn't brought a light with me except for my phone, so I ran most of the way home.
When I got home I took a shower since I had just been running for an hour. Then we had some chicken and noodle soup for dinner that Robert had made. After dinner I face-timed my friend Juliana (from Portland, OR-->Czech Republic).
Thursday I woke up to the most amazing sunrise. That's honestly one of my favorite things about living here. That pretty much everyday I get to see a sunrise and a sunset even on kind of bad weather days.
I went to school at the usual time in the morning. At school in our PE class our teacher loves learning English, so she asked me to teach warm-ups with her this week. She would do an exercise and then I would do it and say it in English. I learned some Czech in the process, but of course forgot all of it immediately.
After school I took the bus home to work on my blog some more since I had realized how far behind I was. In the evening Zora came home, and she was having an old friend of hers spend the night at the house. We had a super yummy dinner that was just chicken and salad, but it was so good. The guys were both not at the house on Thursday night, so it was girls night. They stayed up talking and hanging out. I went to be kind of late as well after talking to some friends in the US.
Friday morning my Czech lesson was canceled and Zora and her friend were going to the city late. So we slept in until about 8:30 and got up for a big breakfast like we normally have on weekends.
We left the house at around 9:30 and made our way to the city. They were going to a different side of Brno than I was, so when we got to their turn off, they dropped me off at the tram stop and I took the tram into the middle of the city. I went to school for the last 4 hours before it was the finally the weekend!