Monday, I got to sleep in until a little after 7 since school started later, and Robert was taking me to school. For our first breakfast we had some leftover birthday cake from Zora's mom. Then we went to his office for a second breakfast that was a little more sustainable. When we were done eating I got on a bus to school.
In school I went to all of my classes like normal. In our art class we got to go to a museum, and a couple of girls from my class gave us a presentation. It was in Czech of course so I didn't really understand, but one of my friends wanted to practice her English so at the end she gave me a summary.
After school I went with a couple of friends to a shoe store to look at dancing shoes for them. Then we went and hung out at McDonal's which is actually a popular place for students to go after school and have a snack and coffee. Then I had to go to my host mom's office and get ready for my dancing class.
While getting ready for dancing class, somehow I managed not to rip any pantyhose! Then I took the tram to the dancing school by myself. We basically just practiced what we had learned in the previous class and made minor improvements to each dance. We added a little bit to a couple of the dances. My feet hurt a bit after that class, even though I have nice shoes that I'm in love with.
After dance class we went home and had a dinner that Robert had prepared for us. After dinner, I called my friend Madelyn for a little while before going to bed and resting my feet after a long day.
Tuesday, I woke up at the usual, 6am and got ready for school. In school my math teacher got a student teacher to come to class and give me a private lesson in English to catch me up to where the class was. I realized that what they were doing in class was something I had already learned. The language was just making it confusing and they do it a slightly different way. So I was feeling pretty good for the test we were going to have the next day.
After school I got grape ice cream which was really good, and just tasted like frozen grapes(one of my favorite summer snacks) blended up. Then I made my way to Ana's school to pick her up and hang out for awhile. We went to her house to drop off our backpacks and then we went back to the city center. We went to McDonald's and met up with Klara who went on exchange from Brno to Brazil last year. We were going to try to meet up with Gigi who is from Canada and had just arrived, but it didn't work out. So we went to get another snack. We got "trdelnik" which is a Czech sweet. It's basically a dough wrapped in a spiral cone shape, roasted, and then rolled in something, most commonly cinnamon and sugar. We got a couple of them, and then went and spent some time hanging out in the main square on a bench eating and taking pictures. Then we went to Ana's house to get my stuff, and they took me to the bus stop. When I got home I worked on a blog post for awhile before and after dinner, and then we went to the club.
Wednesday, marks day 50 in this beautiful country! I got to sleep in until 7 since school started at 9 for me. Robert took me to his office for breakfast and then I got on the bus and went to school.
In school I took my math test, and I was very confused again. She wanted me to take the test to see where I was, and how much I was really understanding. I ended up not being able to fully answer any of the questions because I would forget how to do it half way through each problem.
I was done with school by 1:30, so I decided to go get some "Peru chocolate" ice cream. Then I went shopping for some white dancing shoes that I was going to need for the final dance with my class. I couldn't find any white ones in my size so I went to hang out in the city center for awhile. I called my friend Juliana for awhile until Ana texted me asking me to come over and bring food and hang out. I went to Kebab and got us some food, and then I walked to her house. We hung out and talked for a little while before I had to go home
I took the bus home in the evening for dinner. After dinner I took a shower and Zora asked me if I wanted her to braid my hair. Of course I said yes because that's one of my favorite things to do with my mom back home. After braiding my hair I went to bed.
Thursday, Zora took me to school at our usual time. In math we got our tests back, which is way faster than I would ever get a test back in the US. I didn't get any points on it, but at least she knew where I was at in my understanding. In PE we ran so much more than I am used to. Then we did some exercises that involved running down benches and using them as balance beams. We also did lifting with them, which I found quite unusual and kind of funny feeling, but it was entertaining.
After school I went with one of my friends, Sabina, to get some black currant ice cream before we both got on the trams home. When I got home I helped Robert pick walnuts in the garden. Then we had dinner when everyone else got home, and I worked on another blog post. In the evening I talked to Kasper, one of my friends who I met in my home district who I haven't talked to for a couple of months.
Friday, I got up like normal and went to another Czech lesson where I worked on some grammar and learned some more foods that I didn't already know. Then I made my way to school where I started my day with Czech class. I did my Czech homework which really interested all of my classmates. They thought it would be fun to correct all of my homework and then make me say random things out of the book. They tried to find all of the words and sentences with " ř " in it, which is the hardest letter to pronounce.
After school I ended up reading the bus schedule slightly wrong, and it took me two hours to get home. When I finally made it I rushed to change and go over to Martina's house to meet her horses. There were five other girls between the ages of 3 and 13 at her house helping her with the horses. They taught me some Czech words for everything involving the horses while we brushed them. Then the two oldest girls (13) walked me home and we tried to have a Czech/English conversation to make up for the words we didn't know in each other's languages.
When I got home I took a quick shower before we had dinner and went to the club. I was tired from a long day, so I went home a little early, but ended up staying up late anyways. I met Honza over snapchat, who is from Prague and living in Springfield (basically my city in the US) this year. We face-timed and got to know each other for a couple of hours.
I think that with being an exchange student, it's so cool to meet people and become friends with them without ever meeting each other. We only have this one thing in common to start it all, and it can bring us closer together than anyone else. We don't even have to be in the same program to find each other and become friends.
I have also failed to mention in my previous posts how amazing I think it is that I get to see the sun rise and set everyday on my way to and from school. It's absolutely a beautiful way to start and end a day.
Lovely! I enjoy a good sunrise and sunset too. Because we basically live at the equator, sunrise is at 6 am, and sunset is at 6 pm, 365 days a year (give or take a minute or two ). And since we live at nearly 9,000 feet in the Andes, it's always quite foggy in the morning, so sunrise is not what you would expect. And, I'm rarely up at that hour!! But sunsets can be quite beautiful. I'm happy that you can enjoy them where you are! Abrazos y besos
Love all the posts, and enjoy hearing of your classes, friends, foods, etc. You know tho I think the best part was your enjoying the sunrise and sunset! spectacular!