Monday morning I was at Ana’s house from the play the night before. We got up and had some breakfast and then fixed our hair a little bit. I had time before my Czech lesson, so I walked her to her school and said goodbye. I had to go to my school to drop off my bag and grab my Czech books quickly before I got on the tram to my lesson. My lessons are starting to really challenge me, but I am persistent and I make sure that I ask questions all the time when I'm confused.
After my lesson I went to school for the rest of my classes. After school I went back to Ana’s house so that we could study some Czech together. Later, after Ana's, I went to Zora’s office so that I could get changed for another dance class.
At my dancing class I was feeling like I was slowly starting to get everything. Then we learned Tango, and I immediately felt lost all over again. I just kept trying even though I was not doing great. At the end of the class I danced the last song with another girl just for fun. In the evening, after dancing, I came home and had dinner and then went to bed because I was exhausted.
Tuesday, Ana didn’t have class because her class was on a trip. I had my host parents email my principal and ask if she could come visit my school for the day, and he said she was welcome whenever. So in the morning I went to her house to pick her up and walk her to my school. Since it was kind of a last minute decision to bring her we just shared a lunch at school. I managed to introduce her to the class and all of the teachers in Czech which I was very happy about. We got out of school early so we went to her house to have a little more food and then we went to get coffee. We bought some snacks and I bought a present for my host brother’s birthday, before we went back to her house. We watched a movie and hung out since we wanted to be together, but we were tired. Zora was able to take me home so I didn’t have to take the bus. For dinner we had salmon and salad and it was just what I had been craving so I was quite happy. After dinner I worked on trying to catch up on my blog before going to bed.
Wednesday, was Ruda’s 15th birthday! I went to school when we normally do, but my class didn’t start until 9 so I had some time to myself. I worked on writing about the last few days and then went to class.
After school, Shri and and I went to meet Gigi in the city center. We got some coffee and walked around a bit while we waited for Ana to get out of school and come to the city center. Once we were all together we took Shri up to the castle since she hadn’t been yet. It was pretty cold so after taking some pictures and hanging out, we went back down. We went and got some food and said goodbye to Shri and Gigi who both had to go home. Ana and I had a little bit of time, so we walked around the Italian market in the main square. Then we made our way to the bus stop. She was finally going to spend a night at my house!
Once we were home, Ana got greeted by our crazy dog who was scared of her just like he had been with me. We had dinner together before we decided to take showers and do our hair together. I straightened her hair since she loves it, but didn’t bring a flat iron with her. Then we decided to put my hair in a bunch of tiny braids to make some crazy curls like our friend Lizz from Australia does. We went to bed kind of late which was maybe a bad idea since Ana isn’t used to having to wake up as early as me since she doesn't live so far away.
Thursday, Ana and I got up at 6 and worked on taking out all of my tiny braids. Unfortunately it didn’t turn out like I had planned and my hair was a complete mess. We ate a little breakfast with our tea before we went to school.
After school I was completely exhausted so I got a couple of things at the store and made my way home on the bus. I fell asleep on the way home and someone was nice enough to wake me up before my next bus came. Luckily for me I get off at the last stop of both buses so it's kind of hard to miss my stop. When I made it home I tried not to fall asleep again until after dinner. After dinner, I made plans to meet up with a friend of a friend who is from Slovakia the next day. In the evening I cleaned up my room finally and then went to bed.
Friday, I went to my Czech lesson before school like usual. I couldn’t have been more ready for the weekend! After school I went to Ana’s and we straightened our hair again which took hours because we get distracted really easily. Once our hair was finally done, we got changed and went out to get some dinner. After we had eaten, we went to our friend Klara’s work were we hung out and got some water while we talked to her other friend Klara who was visiting her too. We were just killing time before we went to meet Tomáš, the guy from Slovakia. We went to meet him around 8 in the evening when he and his friends were free. We hung out for a few hours and I took the last bus home. When I got home I said hello to my host grandma who was visiting for the weekend to celebrate Ruda’s birthday.
I think that it’s really cool all of the people you can meet just by being an exchange student. My friend from Australia who is staying in Slovakia messaged me to tell me his Slovak friend was visiting my city and would love to meet all of us. And just like that we made a new friend, a new connection. We knew nothing about him, but we just said yes and went for it to meet new people.