Tuesday,I woke up and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it through the day of school because I was so tired from the dance the night before. I managed to make it to school and then make it through the school day. After school it started snowing, but unfortunately it was too warm for it to stick.
I went to the city center to wait for Gigi and one of her friends from school. They both love cats, so they wanted to go to a cat cafe. We looked one up and walked in the snow/rain to the cafe. When we walked in, we quickly realized there were no cats so we sat in the warm cafe while we searched for another one.We found another cat cafe that actually had cats, so we put our coats back on and went for another walk. As we sat in the new cafe drinking our coffees, cats came and went from our laps. The two of them were completely in love. After spending about an hour together at the cafe we went to meet up with Sasha (a guy from Russia). We waited awhile for his bus to come before we walked to get some tea. I didn't have a lot of time to hang out since I had to catch a bus home so that I would make it in time for dinner. So after a little bit, I said goodbye and left with Ališka (Czech girl) since we were taking the same tram.
I got on the bus and slept all the way home. When I got home I had some dinner with the family, and then I went straight to bed because I was still so exhausted.
Wednesday was another early start day and again, I overslept. Somehow I managed to only be 5 minutes late to school, and I wasn't even as late as the teacher. We were done with school by 1:40, so I went to the store to get a snack for the bus ride home.
Once I was home I hung out, watched some Netflix, and worked on my blog for awhile.
At dinner we discussed our plans for the weekend, in Czech of course. It took awhile to figure it all out but in the end I learned a lot of Czech, and had a pretty good understanding of the plan. After dinner we went to the club for a little while, but I was tired, so I went home a little early to finish my blog and go to bed.
Thursday I got up and went to school as usual. Our Czech teacher wasn't there for the day, so we had two English lessons instead. Our English teacher didn't have enough to teach for both hours, and there were volleyball games going on. So for our lesson before lunch we went and watched volleyball. After we were done eating we went back to watch the rest of the match before the next English lesson started. Next was our PE class, but it had been canceled for the volleyball games too.
After school Shri and went shopping for some gloves for me. Then we went to a cafe for a little snack before heading home. At home I worked on my computer for awhile and facetimed some friends. For dinner we had salmon and salad, which was super yummy. In the evening I braided my hair before I went to bed.
About halfway through the day I was reminded by my Czech friends that it was Thanksgiving. Many of the American exchange students were making Thanksgiving dinner for their friends and family as well as missing home. I had forgotten about the holiday, and it's not necessarily my favorite so I skipped it here since I don't really know how to make any of the food.
Friday morning I woke up and went to my Czech lesson. After my lesson I made my way to school. When school was done, I went to Ana's house to hang out while she got ready. We were going to meet Gigi and Sasha to hang out in the Christmas markets for the evening. We walked around for an hour or so in the Christmas markets before we went to get some food for dinner. Then we walked around a little more before all splitting up and going home. My brother and I took the same bus home so when we both got home we said hi to babička (grandma) and then went to bed.
The whole week sounds as if you were exhausted! as always love reading the blog, and visualize your life in this moment. How cold is it? how much snow?
when do you go skiing?